U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences

Welcome to ARI's website


Department of the Army
U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences

Contact Information:
General questions mailbox: usarmy.pentagon.hqda-ari.mesg.ari@army.mil
Telephone: (703) 545-2339 (DSN: 865)

Your Rights as a Federal Employee:
U.S. Office of Special Counsel website: https://osc.gov/

Army Surveys:
Effective with the publication of AR 25-98 (Information Management Control Requirements
Program), ARI no longer provides survey licensing services. It is required that Army
organizations obtain approval before administering an Army internal survey in accordance
with Chapter 6 (Army Internal Surveys), AR 25-98 (Information Management Control Requirements
Program). The proponent for AR 25-98, and the approval and licensing authority for Army
internal surveys is the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army (AASA),
Records Management and Declassification Agency (RMDA), Records Management Division.
RMDA contact info: https://www.rmda.army.mil/records-management/PRA/ICRPackage.html
(See: Guidance on Agency Survey and Statistical Information Collections).